SHINE Europe | Some facts of SummerSHINE’14 – for the numbers guys
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Some facts of SummerSHINE’14 – for the numbers guys

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We had about 100 youth (teen and early twenties) from Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, Estonia, Netherlands, Austria, Lichtenstein and the USA joining us this summer for outreach in Nurmberg Germany, where we partnered with the local SHINE ministry and local churches and organizations.
We did 22 schoolyard concerts with the Band ‚GoodWeatherForecast‘. Over 20000 students and hundred happy teachers were encouraged through the concerts, to make a difference in their lives. During the outreach week we did a beachparty with a splashdiving contest, amazing street outreaches with vibrant flashmob dances and new style gospel, short preaches and lots of personal conversations. We distributed 3500 free tickets to the final concert event at the city pool.
2000 youth came the the event – 1200 with no church background at all. The Australian rapper Purified started the concerts. LZ7 from the UK moved to the next level and GoodWeatherForecast topped the whole thing. LZ7 said this was the most amazing concert of their band history. At the end of the concerts came Linz West, Leadsinger of LZ7 on the stage and shared a simple gospel – translated by Flo Stielper (staff member and lead singer of GWF).
It was so moving to see many of the youth starting to cry during the message. About 700-1000 lifted their hands to invite Jesus into their heart. And after 300 of them came backstage for more prayer – the backstage was completely full and no more could fit in. We ran out of bibles, pens and paper, couldn’t move back and forward. It was such a overwhelming and beautiful sight. You had to be there!
Maybe you will. Maybe next time when we invite for a SummerSHINE. Maybe in Malaga. Maybe in 2016. Maybe with all youth and students you can bring along.
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