SHINE Europe | Strategy
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shine – the youth ministry of agape europe

SHINE is the youth ministry of Agape Europe.
It is a unification of all of the national efforts that are being made within Agape Europe
to reach teenagers for Jesus Christ. Our mission is:

To help build and support movements that train
and empower young people to shine their light to their peers.
So that each generation of youth will have the opportunity
to become committed followers of Jesus Christ.

shine – unites and empowers youth ministry

SHINE is a brand that helps to unite all of our Agape teenage ministry efforts for every country. It allows us to share a common identity, mission, and vision while allowing each country to engage in ministry that remains unique and culturally relevant. The SHINE brand allows us to support each other as staff and volunteers. SHINE lets everyone, including the teenagers, see that they are a part of a larger movement beyond their local or national ministries.
The SHINE lifestyle and brand is the foundation (os) on which each country can build teen ministry. Within SHINE each country/ministry can choose it’s own focus (app) out of a variety of existing and proven strategies – or even bring a new focus into the family. In order to be more than just local youthwork, each strategy we work with has to have movement and multiplication in its dna.

We provide training, materials and coaching to kickstart youth ministry in your country/area. Attached is an overview of our ministries/tools.

shine – is a lifestyle and a calling for all youth

But SHINE is more than a unity of youth ministries. SHINE is more than a brand that we use to identify ourselves. SHINE is more than resources, tools, ideas and methods. SHINE is a lifestyle and a calling for all youth. The simple SHINE acronym helps our teens to live a bold life for Jesus Christ. It stands for:
  • S hare faith
  • H ug people
  • I nspire yourself
  • N joy fellowship
  • E quip others

These are core lifestyle components that we will develop within teens. We want to instill the ideas of evangelism, acts of kindness, fellowship, scripture, prayer, discipleship, friendship, and spiritual discipline in their everyday lifes.

We want to see the teens we work with adopt these ideas as a part of their everyday lives so they can become committed followers of Jesus Christ. Plus we want them to multiply what they’ve learned by equipping others.

with shine you can start youth ministry in your country/area

Steps to Start ministry:

  • Find a potential Leader (volunteer, associate or pro)
  • Contact shine and download materials: &
  • Translate shine website & lifestyle training
  • start with one focus (hischool, church…) and start training a group of young christians to be a light.
  • multiply

visual overview